
wu han guang gu ke ji da sha lang zhu
wu han guang gu ke ji da sha niao kan tu
wu han guang gu ke ji da sha wai li mian
wu han guang gu ke ji da sha wai li mian
wu han guang gu ke ji da sha ban gong lou ru kou
wu han guang gu ke ji da sha ren shi tu
wu han guang gu ke ji da sha jie jing tu

The project is located at the Optics Valley Central City in Donghu High-tech Zone in Wuhan with a gross floor area of 62,508 sqm. A green building concept?is merged in the design concept with magnificent atmosphere and high quality interior details.?The north tower is 84.6 meters high with main functions office, central city display and public services; the south tower is 67.8 meters high and will be used for office, conference and meeting rooms. Three different fa?ade materials are used to ensure good sunshade and ventilation. Meanwhile, a sky bridge will be created to connect the main functions of the two towers, including entrance lobby, display hall, public service hall, conference center, meeting rooms and supporting commercial functions. A unified interior style going through the public space from Level 1 to Level 3 is a demonstration of distinctive orientation and spatial characteristics.

Location: Wuhan, China
Assignment type: Commission
Type of project: Office Buildings
Project duration: 2016
Program: Office, Services, Conference
GFA: 103311 m2