
The planning goal is based on “Floating urban green, dancing city foyer” to create a compact urban center with multi-functions, to realize integration of public transportation and to develop a pleasant green space. The overall configuration is created by the “cultural and ecological park” and “three rivers with three urban areas”, whereby the three buildings with different functions are independent and enclose the plaza at the same time to build up an integral image. The “three

rivers” are artificial, half-artificial and natural waters with different ecological functions and landscape features. The “three urban areas” are sunken plaza and underground commercial center, the 3 cultural centers and the cultural park.

Location: Changzhou, China
Assignment type: Competition
Design Phases: Urban Design, Architectural Conceptual Design, Ecological Concept
Type of project: Core Area
Project duration: 2011
Program: Cultural center, Commercial, Residential
Area: 1870000 m2